Solutions For Tomorrow

Retirement Solutions

Annuities and Life Insurance

Fixed and Indexed Annuities

Fixed Annuities are insurance contracts that pay a guaranteed rate of interest on the account owner’s contributions. The earnings in a fixed annuity are tax deferred until the owner begins receiving income from the annuity. Fixed Annuities generally will have predictable rates of returns, guaranteed minimum interest rates, tax deferred growth and guaranteed income payments. They can be used as a key part of your retirement planning.

Call today to find out how you can utilize Fixed Annuities as part of your long term financial goals.


Life Insurance

Life insurance, because of its tax benefits, can be sued as an investment vehicle. Whether it’s utilized to pass wealth on to the next generation, help protect assets from medical long term care costs or as a tax free savings vehicle that can be drawn upon during retirement, Life insurance plays an important part in planning your retirement.

Call today to find out how Life Insurance fits into your long term financial planning.
